
  • Shipped from USA, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, UK or Latvia, depending on your location
  • Process time 1-3 Days
  • Free shipping to Europe, Australia, NZ, Canada, United Kingdom, United States
  • Delivery time is 5-10 days for most locations.
Shipping not available to other locations at this time.
    Please contact us for shipping rates for your country if not listed above.

    Jewelry & Acessories
    • Shipped from Belgium
    • Process time 1-3 Days
    • Free shipping to Belgium From 35€, 4€ will be added below purchase price of 35€. Normal delivery time from 3 to 5 days.
    • US, UK and Rest of Europe will be charged a reduced shipping rate. Each country is different, please check on checkout for your countries shipping rate.
    • We do not offer free shipping for the US, UK or the rest of Europe as we try to keep our prices fair and competitive. Delivery times will vary depending on your location, you can track and trace your shipment using the tracking code we will send you once item is dispatched.
    Please take note of any shipping comments in the description of your product. This may be more detailed and informative.